My Journey

Girl in front of fountain

Cryptic Archaeologists started as an idea for a YouTube channel exploring Archaeological ideas in popular games through Let’s Plays with a colleague of mine after I earned my M.S. in Anthropology. Since then, my colleague has been quite busy finishing her P.h.D., and I decided to reinvent the idea when asked to start a blog for a class project.

My name is Karissa, and you can learn lots more about me on my Portfolio here, and I am here as both a writer and an Archaeologist. I completed a Master’s Thesis titled Archaeological Representation in Speculative Fiction: The Image of the Archaeologist In Star Wars in 2021, along with a Graduate Certificate in Museum Studies.

This project awakened a desire to lean heavily into public education through the use of digital media, and I began my M.F.A. in Writing at the Savannah College of Art & Design to further pursue this project. I am also a freelance writer for gaming content, so discussing archaeology through the lens of gaming and other pop culture references seemed perfect to me.

This blog is the fruition of those ideas, which seeks to look at popular titles and franchises and analyze them for Archaeological content and through an Archaeological lens. To learn more about myself and a little about archaeology, keep scrolling!

Archaeologist holding a bronze clasp in front of a dig site

Archaeology is the study of past peoples through what they left behind.

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Studying The Past Through The Present For Posterity.

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