The End or a New Beginning?

This one topic alone could go on forever and ever, with a never-ending supply of various media, pop culture references, and over nineteen seasons of Ancient Aliens and counting. There are a lot of tough and potentially horrifying - and not because of Cthulhu - subjects wrapped into this conversation, and it is easy to get lost in.

While H.P. Lovecraft himself might have been and continue to be problematic, and his beliefs permeate his work whether or not the reader is aware of it, his works can continue to survive and evolve in new and different ways. Lovecraft Country is a good example of this, and other authors and developers continue to reclaim Lovecraft’s ideas for themselves.

The supernatural’s connection to Pseudoarchaeology is likely never going away in fiction, particularly in universes, like Star Wars, where the supernatural is normalized and part of everyday life for the inhabitants. Contextualizing these themes and making sure that there is room for questions, conversation, and recognizing that fiction can just be that is a good start. And sometimes having those conversations around fictional properties can lighten the mood, lower the stakes, and make it easier to discuss.

There’s a lot more out there, and a lot more that could be said. This is hardly an end, and it will be quite the journey to find more and more examples out in the wild as time goes on. Perhaps some movies or games can never be seen the same way again, but perhaps that only adds to the complexity and enjoyment of the lore. Perhaps, glimpsing what’s behind many of these ideas, brings about clarity instead of insanity and a healthy thirst for more knowledge. There’s no way of knowing without experimenting, and that’s half the battle.

In the meantime, keep digging for the truth, however deep it may be.

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